Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Chaos in life

For the past month things around my house have been complete chaos. The thing though that has made me feel good about myself is that I use the chaos as motivation to get to the gym instead of using as an excuse not to go like I used to. It is amazing at how great I feel to go to the gym and workout instead of being at home moping around feeling sorry for myself because I cannot change what is going on around me. Lately though that hardest part has been not having support from those closest to me instead it seems that they would rather sabotage my progress.
When I started this journey my husband said that he wanted me to workout with him so I said I would except now I go to the gym and he just wants to stay at home. It has really become hard to understand my family since everyone in my house needs o loose some weight and get in shape, but I'm the only person putting the effort in with the foods and exercise. I just wish I could understand how someone says they want to loose weight but eats junk food and fast food all the time along with not using their free gym membership.
My latest motivator though to get healthy has been from my dad's mom being put in the hospital, a week later my mom was, and then two weeks later on this Monday my mom's mom was put in the hospital. It made me understand that if I don't get serious to loose the weight I might be in the hospital next and it could possibly be soon.
Emotionally I am feeling better about myself than I have in a long time, but physically I still have not reached a point where I can notice a difference. To all of my friends who are supporting me, thank you because you make a HUGE difference for me & motivate me.

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