Monday, February 25, 2013

New Challenge

As most know who have seen me throughout my journey I have moments where I do really good and then lose focus. The only reason I continue to lose focus is because I no longer have something to reach for, to achieve as a short term goal that will hold me accountable. SO I have decided to take on the Mamavation Virtual 5K on March 9th. The great thing about this 5K is that ANY ONE can participate no matter if you can run or just walk it, the goal is to Complete it. I am starting my countdown which as of right now is T-10 days and that means I need to get my act in gear if I want to complete it all without giving up. I would love to have my friends join me just to be able to say "I completed a 5K!"
In order to be able to complete it I am committing to go for a jog every other day, but to take my dogs for a walk every night just to keep my body moving without being constantly hard on it. I am sticking to my #NoExcuses which means I CANNOT back down on this one. Will you join me and help hold me accountable? Want to learn more about the Mamavation Virtual 5K? Visit and I hope to see you there :)

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